Well, I hit double digits in months this past week. Cool. So, there´s
not much I can write here. It´s been a super interesting week, but most of the
things I´ll have to talk about in Navidad or afterwards, p.20 MM (español).
Short story is the Stake and Mission are getting involved because of cosas [things] in
the ward and it´s way being more a detriment to the obra misional [missionary work] than a
help. On the actual missionary side, we´re doing well. Being a trio, it´s easier
to do divisiones because we only need one guy to make two companionships
instead of two. So, we´re taking advantage of that, just that we only have like
5 members who put energy towards the obra misional. There´s almost a complete
lack of support from the ward, though they do still give us lunch. It´s just
rough. It´s on the point of being downgraded to a branch for a bunch of
Well, CONGRATULATIONES TO TALON AND MADDY eternal families you know what´s up. Lily is
a riot in the pictures I miss her. Also, buena suerte to Kenzie starting BYU
this week. Sounds like the wedding was a bit crazy, and I´ll be waiting for that
slice of frozen cake when I get home. Just two years left. That´s what I tell
the people when they ask how much time I have left and they get confused when I
say I´ve got 2 years left.
I got the email about Bro Scarbrough, and it´s good and bad new that he
passed away. I always remember his gratitude when we brought him the Sacrament
every week. I think he introduced me to the pictures of all his children like 5
times, and he´s got like 7 kids. Always a sweet old man, he was. I always
admired his wife for her constant smile and support through everything.
We had a couple of investigators that came to church this week, but
they had to go after sacrament meeting so it basically doesn´t even count. This
week we´re going to drop a couple people and meet a bunch. Attached are a couple of
The sunset after coming out of an appointment
The lights along el Caño Bugre, which is filling back up finally.
We joke
about how filthy that thing is.
We´re pretty sure you can get sick by
looking at it.
It looks better in the dark.
Always Great,
Élder Hicken