Happy Thanksgiving pues (hay que leerlo con acento Paisa) [you have to read that with a country accent]. Our
Thanksgiving celebration was a Noche de Hogar [Family Home Evening] Thursday that fell through while
we were there in the casa del miembro [member's house] waiting for the other family. Basically, the
Pte of the Elderes just said "ah, feliz día de acción de gracias" ["Happy Thanksgiving Day"] and
we ate sandwiches. It´s alright because we´ve been pretty busy hasta que
también me olvidé [so much that I forgot].
I know that every week I keep saying this week has been super crazy but
it´s because the locura [madness] isn´t ending or even slowing down, sino [rather] aumenting.
Tuesday was normal, but Wednesday we didn´t even have the opportunity to
sit down and teach except for taxis because we got swamped with vueltas [rounds].
Thursday I don´t even remember, but I remember the cancelled Noche de Hogar,
and the crazy coordinating to get baptismal interviews done.
Friday the Pte came for interviews but got here late and didn´t know
how to get to the capilla [chapel], and the APs also got here late because their bus was
under repair for a while. We didn´t even get to be there in the interviews to
regulate anything ni [neither] the APs because we went visiting every house in the
zone (7) to inspeccionarlas [inspect them] and clean them (super deap cleaning) and so we did
it in divisiones [splits]. I went with Elder Rojas from Bogotá. We made the hour and a
half travel to Sevilla and while he interviewed the four elders there, I went
with the other three inspecting and cleaning the house. Then we made the
hour and a half travel back to Armenia and there was some little kid who threw
up during the ride and the bus didn´t smell so good and the window next to us
didn´t open. And then the Hna [Sister Missionary] decided to not interview sino [but rather] go to the
casas de los misioneros para inspeccionarlas [missionary appartments to inspect them] and apparently she´s a
perfecionista ( not even a word) and was cleaning everything imaginable
haste [even] in the nevera [fridge's] the rubber seal, how it´s got that crack? Yeah, when she
went to Calarcá with Elder velazquez y Elder Opheikens the hnas there are
nearly perfect and everything was 100% clean and they are also really obediente
and humble, but when Hna Calderón opened the fridge and pointed out the hardly
dirty seal, Hna Cañas nearly threw her out the window.
Saturday, we had two baptisms and the mom of one called us like 3 hours
before that she wanted to change the location of the baptism to a different
capilla [chapel], and that made tons of complications with special music numbers and
that there were going to be two baptisms at the same time, and that they
would happened at the same time, and stuff like that, that we barely got
it worked out by the time it happened, while going to a training meeting for
SEI and also citas medicas [medical appointments] for a hna en la zona.
Today, we need to go to every house in the zone and paint them and also
plan a couple things for Christmas, but it still feels like relaxing in
contrast to last week. I hope that kind of week is normal in other zones and
missions, but that´s what happened here this week.
Always Great,
Élder Hicken
Elder Velazquez and I with David and Natali Niño
Hnos Viveros Lopez then Estefhanía and Daira with us two in
baptism of Estefhanía. She´s got a bathrobe and all because it´s after the
baptism and she´s super skinny and so get cold and sick easily after getting