Monday, February 8, 2016


To start out, answering a question of Mom, Zenú is a brand of meat in Medellín, it seems like all meat is Zenú. But, it´s also the name of our ward here.

The massive river that runs through Montería is the Río Sinú and they say it´s one of the less-contaminated rivers in Colombia...not sure about the validity of that claim because that river isn´t clean. We´ve also heard alot about a novela about the Río Sinú called "Sinú."

Hey, super cool the pictures and yay for the Broncos!

Well, to explain the title of this post. Colombia is in a massive drought. Traveling to Montería, it was made obvious because every river we passed was half-dry, basically that there isn´t much water and it isn´t raining. So, it´s hot and dry here. But, Élder Ampuño and I had our personalized drought this week. The financial issues with the zone are over we think, but as a result of that problem, it wasn´t possible to pay the bills, for example water. Wednesday I was on intercambio with Cereté when Élder Ampuño called to say that they cut the water. We spent the week traveling to the closest missionaries to shower there every morning. It´s been a weird week. We have water now, and I hope it doesn´t go away.

As I said, Wednesday I was in Cereté. It was a bit weird because I was there with Élder Hurtado. He was my trainer a year ago, and Cereté was my area almost a year ago. I was in a past area with a past companion. It was pretty good, I showed him people who weren´t baptized for some reason, and helped him out in the area. Alot of shocked faces when people saw me, it ws a lot of fun. Really, it´s been a weird two weeks.

Also, for those of you who aren´t familiar with missionary changes, there are normally cambios only every 6 weeks. Right now we are in week 3. Beginning week 2, we sent two missionaries on cambios extraoficiales [unofficially] and it could be that we send a third this week. One of them was sent to the office as the new Secretario of Registros. We felt so bad for him--almost no one deserves that. Being secretary is already super no way cool, but de Registros is the least cool of them all. Just a weird week.

Hey check out the new mission blog 

I´m not sure how well it´s updated, but it´s the job of the Secretario of Registros.

Always Great,
Élder Hicken

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