I put the "x" at the end of "metas" because there are some kids in our ward that always say "elderex!" and se nos pegó [it stuck].
Right now there was some guy in the next computer over in this internet that it sounds like was listening to metal because he was doing those pig squeals over and over again and we were just dying of laughter.
The leaders of the mission have been stressing alot in the past weeks how to make and acheive goals. I´ve been taking thier advice and we´ve had a good last two weeks. We´ve met loads of fantastic kids.
One, Dayana Meza, was member of another well-known church that has a strong reputation in South America and part of the reputation is the amount of knowledge and ability to explain that they have. She´s the daughter of a sister less-active since 32 years, and in reality neither of them knows anything about the church now. Dayana and her mom, Irma had gone to loads and loads of churches before ending up in the most recent. But, they had found things in every church that les desagradaban [they didn't agree with]. We got to their house just at the moment in which she was in an emotional and religious dilema, about to return to her most recent afiliation. But, listening to the Restored Gospel, she´s been able to answer questions, calm doubts, and after much time, returned to pray last night.
I have strengthened my testimony loads in the last month or two, maybe more than all the mission and I am sure the church is true, the Book of Mormon is true, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that Thomas S. Monson is. It´s based on that time I asked God and He answered. The mission´s real pailas without that testimony, and real powerful with it.
Always Great,
Élder Hicken